We live in a world where everyone wants to achieve success and have financial freedom. With the ever increasing daily needs of life, we all strive to meet up with our personal needs, family needs, financial needs and even social needs. What plans or goals have you set for yourself to achieve these needs? Do you have the dream of becoming a proud owner of landed properties, choice cars, profitably business, great family, etc? Some people do not believe in dream, so do you? My mentor used to tell me that whatever your dreams or aspirations in life are, if well conceived within you it would definitely come to pass. I do not want to bore you with all these questions or deviating from my normal investments tips, but if you do not understand these basic spiritual principles of life success would be elusive to you.
Some people venture into various businesses, career or projects without believing in it or believing in themselves to succeed. I have watched some people’s business or idea crumble without reaching its desired peak. It is either they lacked the basic knowledge of that particular business or within their hearts of hearts they do not believe in it. Most of the time we fall in these category and we blame God for abandoning us! Remember, that God sees our heart desires and bless those that believe in Him.
How many goals or dreams have you written down for yourself in the past 5 to 10 years? If I may ask, have you achieve 70% of these dreams? We all need to take time in solitude to evaluate our successes and failures in life to correct future occurrences. I do not want to be sarcastic but with all objectivity this is to ascertain where we have all gone wrong in search of success in life.
There are three powerful secrets behind all successes in life. They are;
Desire, Belief and Action.
One interesting thing about these powerful secrets to success stated above is that it has to be followed in that sequence to achieve the desired result. If the desire to build a Castle is not there, then the belief would not come from inside and of course there is no need of taking action. How intensely do you desire your dreams? Do you believe in your instincts to achieve success? And do you have bias for action?
Look at the champions of the world today in their various endeavours; Roger Federer, Bill Gates, Alinko Dangote, Tiger Woods, Oprah Winfery, David Beckham, Mike Adenuga Jnr, Barack Obama to the late Mother Theresa – and you will agree that these three simple secrets are working for them.
I am offering you an E-book titled; ‘How to Know If Your Dreams (Goals) Are God’s Dreams” by one of the renowned authors of our time. In this book you will understand these three secrets to success in life, how to nurture your dreams to reality, discovering your purpose in life plus other tips for financial and spiritual growth. Also in the E-book, we have links for free membership to financial clubs, daily ministry and making money online.
By reading this book, I have tapped great knowledge and understanding God’s purpose for me in life. I also want you to experience these wonderful secrets of life’s success and I bet you life would never be the same.
You can book a copy of the E-book for One thousand (N1,000.=) Naira only instead of the initial N2,500.= proposed. I am giving out the offer (bonus) price to the first fifty (50) people that made their payments after confirmation, so do not be left out.
Please make your payments to any Zenith Bank Plc nearest to you with the following details;
Account Name: Amaole Uzoma
Account Number: 2003036057
Note: Nigerian Residents Only!
After making your payment, please send me an email confirmation to uzzitalks@gmail.com with the following information;
i. Full Names
ii. Address
iii. Email ad
iv. Phone Number
v. Bank Teller Number
vi. And Write “How To Know If Your Dreams Are God’s Dreams” as the subject of your message.
For further questions or direction on how to get a copy of the E-book call me on this line; 234 8094132317.
Wishing you best of God’s success as your dream comes true.
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